Answers to exercises
Correct answers for the Estonian words in Finnish and English:
1. b) sairas (ill)
2. a) aloittaa (start)
3. c) huono (bad)
4. a) teloittaa (execute)
5. c) kiinnostava (interesting)
6. a) kaunis (beautiful)
7. b) karhu (bear)
8. b) kissa (cat)
9. c) sammakko (frog)
10. b) mansikka (strawberry)
11. a) maito (milk)
12. a) kirja (book)
13. c) suo (mire)
14. b) hoito (care)
15. a) sisällys (content)
16. a) kuolla (die)
17. b) mylly (mill)
18. c) nakki (Vienna sausage)
Test your knowledge of Uralic languages! (correct answers)
1. How many languages are there estimated to be in the world?
- around 700
- around 250,000
- around 7,000
- around 1,000,000
2. How many Uralic languages are there?
- 5–10
- 150–170
- 400
- 30–50
3. Which of these is not a Uralic language?
- Livonian
- Mari
- Poke (a Bantu language spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
- Selkup
4. Which is the northernmost people in Eurasia?
- Finns
- Norwegians
- Saami
- Nganasans
5. Which is the largest Uralic language in terms of the number of speakers?
- Hungarian
- Estonian
- Udmurt
- Finnish
6. Which of these is not a name of a month in Votic?
- Maija (May)
- Juuli (July is juli)
- Augusti (August)
- Martti (March)